
Supermarket Snacking Boosts Sales

Noshing while shopping convinces consumers to buy the featured product more often than does simply seeing end-of-aisle displays.
If you’ve spent any time hitting up the giant wholesalers or other markets this holiday season, you’ve probably figured out that?you can make a full meal out of the tasty little samples?they often dish out. Which seems like a good thing, for you…and for your wallet. But a new study shows that?these tempting little treats?really do entice you to buy what you try…and maybe some other stuff like it.???????????如果你已經(jīng)在這次節(jié)日期間逛過任何大型批發(fā)商場或是其他的商場,你可能已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn),你能在他們用提供的試吃小樣上填飽肚子。這對你或是你的錢包來說或許是個好事。但是一個新的研究表明,這些誘人的小點心實際上誘使你買下你嘗過的商品……或其他類似產(chǎn)品。
Researchers tracked the sales in half a dozen stores that provided samples of snacks in four categories: healthy, salty, frozen, or branded by a large coffee-shop chain. They found that noshing while shopping convinces consumers to buy the featured product more often than does simply seeing the product displayed at the end of the aisle.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????研究者追蹤了半數(shù)商店里銷售的貨物,證實了試吃的零食分為四類:健康食品,咸味的,冷凍的,或是大型咖啡連鎖旗下的商品。他們發(fā)現(xiàn),相比起僅僅讓消費者看到產(chǎn)品陳列在貨架通道的尾部,消費者更易購買在購物時能試吃的產(chǎn)品。
They also found that repeating the sample offering multiple times translates into sustained interest in the product…and that stores that have a?smaller?assortment of products for sale benefit more than the warehouse-sized emporia. The finding is served up in the?Journal of Retailing.?[Sandeep R.Chandukala et al.,?An Assessment of When, Where and Under What Conditions In-Store Sampling is Most Effective]??????????????????????????????????????????????????????他們還發(fā)現(xiàn),重復這種提供樣品的舉措使消費者吃出對這種產(chǎn)品的持久興趣……具有更多細化的產(chǎn)品分類的商店比那些有倉庫規(guī)模的大型百貨商店盈利更多。
The researchers also discovered that the effect extends beyond the product itself…such that, for example, nibbling on one brand of cookies makes you hungry for cookies in general—including those from competing brands.???????????????????????????????????????研究者同時發(fā)現(xiàn),這種影響超出了產(chǎn)品本身。比如說,小口小口地咬某種牌子的餅干會讓你因此產(chǎn)生對餅干的饑餓感——這也包括對其他牌子的餅干的。
Which suggests that a rising tide really does lift all boats. Or at least that a tray of free taquitos will certainly lift a lot of shoppers’ spirits…and will keep those registers ringing well into the new year.?這項研究表明了一項興起的并適用于所有情況下的營銷手段?;蛘咧辽俦砻?,裝了免費墨西哥卷餅的盤子一定能激起購買者的興趣……并且能讓結(jié)賬臺的人們排到明年。
— Karen Hopkin
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